v5.3 11/21/2022 - acc2pgs: improved support for calculated and attachment columns - fbr2pgs: support for views, improved processing default values - pgs2mss: sequences are migrated now - SSL connection for PostgreSQL is supported - option to select source and target schema in mss2pgs and ora2pgs - improved migration of spatial data in mss2pgs and sql2pgsv5.1 10/18/2021 - acc2pgs: improved processing queries - mss2pgs, pgs2mss with support for sequences - intelligent validation of privileges on source and target databases - new tool PostgreSQL-to-Excel
v4.5 03/15/2021 - support for latest PostgreSQL authentication protocol - 64-bit version is available
v4.3 05/18/2020 - acc2pgs does not require MS Access/Office installation - db22pgs: misc fixes, log file in GUI - dbf2pgs: fix on dates processing - mss2pgs, ora2pgs, sql2pgs with options to select PostrgreSQL encoding, create table LOGGED/UNLOGGED, INSERT/COPY method - pgs2mss: improved conversion of datetime and timestamp with time zone, fix for empty BLOB and uuid - slt2pgs: options to select PostrgreSQL encoding - bugfix: indexes from different schemas having the same name
v4.1 11/25/2019 - support for PostgreSQL v12 - new tool DB2-to-PostgreSQL
v3.5 06/24/2019 - ora2pgs: fixed COPY-statement for compound table names - pgs2sql: table customization (option to modify name, type and other attributres of any table column) - sql2pgs: option to specify PostgreSQL schema and improved foreign keys creation
v3.3 06/11/2018 - piecewise writing to PostgreSQL script file (large BLOBs support) - mss2pgs: improved support for def.values for datetime columns + views reorder - pgs2mss: support for views, piecewise writing to T-SQL script - pgs2ora: support for views - slt2pgs: improved type mapping for boolean, decimal, datetime
v3.1 12/11/2017 - new converters Access-to-PostgreSQL, Firebird-to-PostgreSQL and SQLite-to-PostgreSQL have been added - support for Oracle v12.2 and Unicode in ora2pgs and pgs2ora
v2.5 06/19/2017 - support for views in mss2psg, ora2pgs and sql2pgs - option to specify MySQL table type and charset in pgs2sql - change default types mapping NTEXT->NVARCHAR(MAX), TEXT->VARCHAR(MAX), IMAGE->VARBINARY(MAX) in pgs2mss - improved support for Azure in mss2pgs and pgs2mss
v2.3 02/06/2017 - Heroku support - option to export PostgreSQL database into T-SQL script in pgs2mss - option to connect to non-default PostgreSQL database - fix: now() as default value for timestamp columns - filter data via SELECT-queries in pgs2sql release
v2.1 12/23/2016 - improved foreign keys support in pgs2mss, pgs2sql, pgs2ora - new converter pgs2dbf has been added
v1.5 11/29/2016 - improved conversion of TIME type - fix: handles numeric types w/o precision - fix: case-sensitive DB names
v1.3 08/25/2016 - new converter xls2pgs has been added - pgs2sql v2.5 and mss2pgs v1.5.9 - fix: Unicode column names in indexes/PKs/FKs
v1.1 04/25/2016 - improved support for default values and auto_increment support - demo limitation has been extended up to 50 records - no parenthesis in the default installation path - new converter dbf2pgs has been added - improved schema processing
v1.0 03/19/2016 - initial version