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How to Repair Oracle Dump Files

Oracle export file (also known as dump file) is a file system storage used for backup and recovery of Oracle database or its part. This file can be generated by standard Oracle tools IMP and IMPDP that are part of this DBMS installation. Dump files are also used to migrate database between different hardware platforms or versions of DBMS.

Sometimes Oracle exports files may become corrupted due to system failure, damage of media storage, virus activity, unexpected DBMS shutdown or network problem. Corrupted dump file cannot be imported back into database via standard tools like EXP or EXPDP, so very important data may be lost in such situations.

This article discovers different solutions to repair damaged Oracle dump files.

Manual Recovery

To recover database from corrupted dump file please follow these steps:

  1. Create database and user account for exporting database from the dump file (it is necessary for new system)
  2. Export the dump file into database using one of these commands:
    IMP username/password@database FROMUSER=dump_file_user TOUSER=new_db_user IGNORE=y FILE=path_to_dump_file.dmp
    IMPDP username/password@database REMAP_SCHEMA=source_schema:target_schema TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE DUMPFILE=dump_file_name.dmp
    Of course, it is necessary to replace all parameters in the example above by actual values.

This approach allows to repair Oracle export file with minor damages that do not affect DDL statements or any other important data. Otherwise, import tools may recover incomplete database or even terminate abnormally.

Service by Intelligent Converters

Specialists of Intelligent Converters have investigated format of Oracle export files (both EXP and EXPDP/datapump versions) in order to build conversion tools for it. Based on this knowledge the company offers data recovery service for damaged Oracle dump files. Working on very low level specialists of Intelligent Converters can recover all available data even from highly damaged files.

The price of recovery service depends on volume of the dump file and data complexity. Fill out the form below to get quote for particular Oracle dump file: