v8.5.1 05/13/2024 - support for new signatures of Oracle parallel export filesv8.5 08/07/2023 - initial reading of the dump file goes more than 10 times faster now - support for Oracle 21c data pump signature
v8.3 01/10/2022 - option to connect to the specified MS SQL database (workaround for limited privileges) - improved migration of spatial data for EXPDP dump files
v8.1 06/07/2021 - improved migration of spatial data for EXP dump files (SDO_GEOMETRY)
v7.5 03/04/2019 - support for Oracle 18c data pump signature - support for BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE types - support for INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND - convert NUMBER(*,0) into BIGINT
v7.3 06/04/2018 - option to synchronize MS SQL database with Oracle data - improved support for large blobs (piecewise writing) - option "NUMBER w/o precision -> bigint" - bugfix: BLOBs processing in Oracle v10.x EXP dump format - bugfix: decimal values
v7.1 08/14/2017 - dump file context serialization - bugfixes (skip service/internal fields, shifted columns) - improved support for TIMESTAMP(6) type
v6.5 06/20/2016 - improved support for support for SQLT_NCO (named collection) type - fix: default values for T-SQL - demo limitation is extended up to 50 records
v6.3 01/25/2016 - intelligent support for schemas: map all tables into single schema or replicate schemas tree from the original database - fix for timestamp(3) and timestamp(6)
v6.1 05/18/2015 - option to customize types mapping, select certain columns to convert - option to export data into T-SQL script file
v5.5 03/17/2014 - support for encrypted Oracle EXPDP dump files - performance of the conversion process has been increased - improved support for SDO_GEOMETRY type
v5.3 10/07/2013 - support for Oracle 12c format - improved handling of large BLOBs - updated UI
v5.2 03/18/2013 - Quick Launch feature implemented - bugfix: improved processing CLOBs in expdp format
v5.1 08/27/2012 - new installer with digital signature - bugfix: reading through 0x?FFFFFFF position - bugfix: reading data split into several partitions
v4.5 01/30/2012 - bugfix: correct support of FLOAT(126) type - bugfix: correct processing of LONGs split in several chunks - bugfix: correct processing for shifted fields (in INSERT query)
v4.1 04/28/2011 - algorithm of fast appeding data to MS SQL database - processing multi-file dumps produced by "expdp" - bugfix: correct processing large BLOBs
v3.5 10/16/2010 - improved support for "expdp" format - "skip bytes in field size" algorithm has been implemented
v3.3 01/31/2010 - "expdp" format support - minor bugfixes
v3.1 05/29/2009 - store conversion settings into profile - processing multi-file dumps - improved support for LONG and LONG RAW types
v2.3 03/02/2009 - CLOB support - minor bugfixes
v2.1 01/13/2009 - improved files validation - Unicode support - improved support for v7.x files
v1.3 09/29/2008 - performance of reading dump file has been improved - large files (more than 4GB) are supported
v1.1 09/02/2008 - minor bugfixes
v1.0 08/25/2008 - initial version