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Direct export from Oracle dump files

Oracle dump file (.DMP) is a binary storage used by Oracle users and database administrators to backup data. Oracle distribution pack includes the standard tool EXP for this purpose. The problem is that Oracle dump file is a "black box" and there is no way to extract data from such files except the standard IMP tool. However, this utility can import data to Oracle server only. But what if you just need to access the data without Oracle database server? Or maybe you want to migrate Oracle dump file into another data format? Definitely, Oracle IMP tool is not a convenient solution for these tasks.

Even if you have live instance of Oracle server, there are a lot of possible issues you may experience when importing a dump file:

Intelligent Converters have investigated Oracle dump format and released a collection of tools to read and export data to the most popular data sources. This is OraDump Export Kit, product to convert Oracle dump files into Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, MySQL and CSV. It does direct reading from dump file, so Oracle components are not required. The product supports all versions of Oracle and has no limitations on file size. Fast algorithm of direct reading can process more than 5 GB per hour on average modern system.

Other Features

Like each of Intelligent Converters products, OraDump Export Kit has features limited demo version. It converts 50 records for each table. Full version pricing starts at only $149.

You can find more details about OraDump Export Kit on the product page