v5.1 01/31/2022 - option to select source and target schema - SSL connection for PostgreSQL is supported - verified support for Azure PostgreSQLv4.5 03/15/2021 - support for latest PostgreSQL authentication protocol - 64-bit version is available
v4.3 05/18/2020 - option to create PostgreSQL tables logged/unlogged - option to switch between INSERT/COPY when writing into PostgreSQL database
v4.1 11/18/2019 - improved support for PostgreSQL v12
v3.5 02/25/2019 - fix: COPY-statement for compound table names
v3.3 06/11/2018 - piecewise writing to PostgreSQL script file (big data support) - fix: database name case sensitivity issue
v3.1 10/16/2017 - support for Oracle v12.2 - Unicode support
v2.5 05/29/2017 - convert Oracle views into PostgreSQL format
v2.3 01/30/2017 - option to export Oracle database into PostgreSQL script file - option to connect non-default PostgreSQL database - verified support for Heroku
v2.1 09/11/2016 - enhanced schema support (use exising/create new/full replication options) - fix: creation of schema for PostgreSQL v9.2 and earlier - fix: improved support for indexes and foreign keys in 'full replication' mode
v1.5 10/05/2015 - support for Oracle 12c - writing into log file - synchronization fixed
v1.3 03/16/2015 - improved support for non-ANSI types (SDO_GEOMETRY, XMLTYPE, etc) - extended progress information - custom port fixed
v1.1 08/23/2014 - validate installation folder according to Oracle requirements - help update - new UI v1.0 04/14/2014 - initial version