To perform batch conversion or call the conversion procedure from an
automation script you can use console version of MySQL to Oracle converter.
This is the file S2OAGENT.EXE
in the installation folder. You can either run
this tool directly from command line or call it from any script as well. The
program supports the following command-line options:
--blob2text | convert BLOB to text | |
--dest=... | Oracle service name | |
--help | display help message and exit | |
--logfile=... | path to the logfile where execution traces will be written | |
--mode=... | how to process tables that already exist in Oracle database (0 - overwrite, 1 - merge, 2 - skip) |
--mysqlh=... | MySQL server IP address or network name | |
--mysqlu=... | MySQL user name | |
--mysqlp=... | MySQL user password | |
--oraclu=... | Oracle user name | |
--oraclp=... | Oracle user password | |
--port=... | MySQL port | |
--silent | use this option to disable program output | |
--skip_idx | skip converting indexes | |
--src=... | MySQL database name | |
--tab_def | convert table definitions only | |
--tab_file=... | name of the file containing table names to convert (one table name per line) | |
--uppercase | make names uppercase |
In the following example the program converts MySQL database "db1" on the remote MySQL server "mysqlhost" into Oracle database "db1_from_mysql":
S2OAGENT.EXE --src=db1 --dest=db1_from_mysql --mysqlh=mysqlhost --mysqlu=administrator --mysqlp=the_passsword --oraclu=scott --oraclp=tiger
Table names file should be formatted as follows: