One of the most popular option to migrate database from PostgreSQL to MySQL using a free tool is pg2mysql. This is a Perl script that converts script file generated by pgdump on STDIN into script complied with MySQL dump format on STDOUT. Input script must be a plain text file containing INSERT-statements. Binary or COPY-statements are not allowed.
Below is the sequence of steps to migrate a database from PostgreSQL to MySQL using pg2mysql.
pg_dump --format p --inserts DBNAME > /path/to/file.pgdump < /path/to/file.pgdump > mysql.sql
Key features of ph2mysql tool:
Note that pg2mysql does not migrate triggers, views and stored procedures.
For those database specialists who is more familiar with PHP, it is recommended to consider similar tool being developed using this programming language:
This brief description indicates that ph2mysql tool has a lot of useful features, yet it requires some preparation steps and significant post-processing. If you need more easy-to-use and automated solution, take a look at the special commercial tools such as PostgreSQL to MySQL converter.