Convert Stored Procedures from SQL Server to MySQL | |
[SQL Server to MySQL Converter] [Converting Queries] [Converting Triggers] [Safe Types Mapping] |
SQL Server and MySQL database management systems have similar syntax of stored procedures. However, there is number of particularities that must be handled properly when migrating procedures source code from SQL Server to MySQL. This article explores such differences.
1. Structure of Code. All major differences between structures of stored procedures in Microsoft SQL and MySQL are illustrated in comparison below. In SQL Server definitions are complied with the following format:
CREATE PROCEDURE name arg1 type, arg2 type, ... AS statement1 statement2 ... GO
While Microsoft SQL allows to dismiss "BEGIN" and "END" keywords that indicate margins of procedure's body, MySQL requires these keywords are used. So, the stored procedure above must be converted into MySQL format as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE name ( arg1 type, arg2 type, ... ) BEGIN statement1; statement2; ... END;
2. Passing Parameters. MS SQL and MySQL allows to pass input and output parameters. While SQL Server requires only output parameters to be defined via "OUTPUT" keyword, in MySQL both input and output parameters must be declared via "IN" and "OUT" keywords correspondingly.
For example the following MS SQL declaration:
CREATE PROCEDURE proc1 @inarg1 varchar(40) , @inarg2 integer , @outarg1 integer OUTPUT , @outarg2 varchar(40) OUTPUT
is converted into MySQL equivalent:
CREATE PROCEDURE proc1 (IN inarg1 varchar(40), IN inarg2 integer, OUT outarg1 integer, OUT outarg2 varchar(40))
3. IF...THEN...ELSE... MySQL requires that an IF-block include "THEN" and that a block with more than one statement is terminated by an "END IF;". Note that the semicolon symbol after "END IF" is required:
IF <expression> THEN statement1; statement2; ... ELSE statement1; statement2; ... END IF;
4. IF EXISTS Statements. MS SQL allows to check if query returns some rows via &qout;IF EXIST&qout; statement. For example:
IF EXISTS(SELECT prod_id FROM products WHERE price > 100) BEGIN do something END
MySQL does not have such conditional operator, that's why it is necessary to use COUNT(*) function instead:
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products WHERE price > 100) > 0 THEN do something END IF;
5. Clauses in SELECT Statements. While SQL Server allows variables in clauses of SELECT-statements, MySQL requires constants only. This issue can be resolved using PREPARE-statement as follows. Assume there is a query in Microsoft SQL:
SELECT a.subject, a.createdate, a.views, a.user FROM classifieds a WHERE id = "@id" LIMIT "@startrow","@maxrows";
It is possible to use the following code to implement SELECT-statements with variable clauses in MySQL:
PREPARE STMT FROM 'select a.subject, a.createdate, a.views, a.user from classifieds a where id = ? limit ?,?';EXECUTE STMT USING "@id","@startrow","@maxrows";
6. Error Handling. Microsoft SQL Server allows errors below a certain level to be returned in @@ERROR and the stored procedure continues, while errors above that level terminates execution immediately and returns and error. In MySQL most errors terminate the stored procedure and return an error code. To get behavior of MySQL stored procedures more close to SQL Server it is necessary to define an error handler like follows:
And then modify code of stored procedures in order to use @ERROR variable instead of @@ERROR. For example:
IF @@ERROR <>0 GOTO ERROUTUPDATE MessageBoardEntries SET ReplyCount = ReplyCount - 1 WHERE EntryID = @EntryID IF @@ERROR <>0 GOTO ERROUT
UPDATE MessageBoardCategories SET PostCount = PostCount -1 WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryID IF @@ERROR <>0 GOTO ERROUT
must be replaced with:
DECLARE "@ERROR" INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN SET "@ERROR" = 1; END;INSERT groupmessageboardreplies ( parentid, authorid, body ) VALUES ( "@entryid", "@authorid", "@body" );
IF "@ERROR" = 0 THEN UPDATE groupmessageboardentries set replycount = replycount + 1, lastpostdate = NOW(), lastposter = "@authorid" WHERE entryid = "@entryid" ; END IF
IF "@ERROR" = 0 THEN UPDATE groupmessageboards set lastpostdate = NOW(), postcount = postcount + 1, lastposterid = "@authorid", lastpostentryid = "@entryid" WHERE groupid = "@groupid" ; END IF;
7. Concatenation of Strings. MS SQL provides concatenation operator as "plus" sign:
SET @result = '||' + @col_value + '||'
In default configuration MySQL provides CONCAT() function for the same purpose:
SET result = CONCAT('||', col_value, '||');
Also, MySQL can be run in ansi mode that supports the same syntax of
string concatenation as Microsoft SQL. To set ansi mode either run
mysqld with --ansi
option or execute these two statements:
8. SELECT INTO. SQL Server uses the following syntax of selecting query results into local variables:
SELECT @v1 = col1, @v2 = col2 FROM ...
MySQL uses the syntax below for the same purpose:
SELECT col1, col2 INTO v1, v2 FROM ...
9. Dynamic SQL. MS SQL can execute dynamic SQL queries via
operator EXEC(@var)
. In MySQL it can be done using
the following code:
SET @sess_v = var; PREPARE stmt FROM @sess_v; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;
10.Table-valued Functions. In SQL Server user-defined functions can accept and return table data type that is used to store a set of rows. MySQL does not support this feature, however there is workaround for such cases.
If T-SQL function accept a table-valued argument as input, it must be rewritten for MySQL to accept table name instead of table itself. After that, it can be used to extract necessary data via dynamic queries. For instance, we have a T-SQL function like this:
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[OrderMemberships] AS TABLE( [MembershipId] [int] NOT NULL, [OrderID] [int] NOT NULL, [Price] [money] NOT NULL )CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[OrderMembershipsCreate] @Memberships OrderMembershipsCreateType READONLY, @MembershipId INT AS ... INSERT INTO OrdersHistory SELECT M.OrderID, M.Price, GETDATE() AS Created FROM @Memberships M WHERE M.MembershipID = @MembershipId ... END
This function can be migrated into MySQL as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE OrderMembershipsCreate( p_memberships varchar(100), p_membershipid int ) BEGIN DECLARE v_qry varchar(512); SET v_qry = CONCAT( 'insert into OrdersHistory select M.OrderID, M.Price, now() AS Created from ', p_memberships, ' M where M.membershipid = ', p_membershipid ); SET @sess_v = v_qry; PREPARE stmt FROM @sess_v; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END;
11. Transactions. SQL Server uses the following statements to handle transactions:
- begin transactionCOMMIT TRANSACTION / TRAN
- commit transactionROLLBACK TRANSACTION / TRAN
- rollback transaction
MySQL equivalents for the same purposes are: START TRANSACTION,
12. System Functions. Last step of converting MS SQL stored procedures into MySQL format is to replace system functions and operators that are specific for SQL Server by MySQL equivalents. More details on this topic are available in this article.
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