Covert Built-in Functions from DB2 to PostgtreSQL |
[DB2 to Postgres Converter] [About Migration] [Types Mapping] |
IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL offer non-equal sets of built-in functions. To succeed with overall migration it is necessary to convert each DB2 function into PostgreSQL equivalent. The key differences between embedded functions of the two DBMS are listed below.
IBM DB2 | PostgreSQL |
DATE('2020-02-01') | TO_DATE('01-02-2020','DD-MM-YYYY') |
DAY(DATE('2020-02-01')) | DATE_PART('day','2020-02-01'::date) |
HOUR(NOW()) | DATE_PART('hour',NOW()) |
MINUTE(NOW()) | DATE_PART('minute',NOW()) |
MONTH(DATE('2020-02-01')) | DATE_PART('month','2020-02-01'::date) |
POSSTR(str1,str2) | POSITION(str2 IN str1) |
SECOND(NOW()) | DATE_PART('second',NOW()) |
YEAR(DATE('2020-02-01')) | DATE_PART('year','2020-02-01'::date) |